Mystery Fern
This work is meant to evoke a long summertime walk in the deep green woods, where countless natural wonders and mysteries abound. The ID of the fern eluded me at first, but I have since identified it as sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis.
Cyanotypes on silk, heliographic prints on silk and hemp/silk, artist-painted and commercial silks and cottons, machine stitching.
Size: 55"h x 72"w
For Sale: $8,200
Exhibit History
- Flora, Fauna and Flow, solo show of 30 art quilts, October - December 2017, Olewine Gallery, Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art, Millersburg, PA
- Nature Quilts, solo show, Isadore Gallery, 2009, Lancaster, PA
- Sacred Threads, 2009, Reynoldsburg, OH
- Quilter's Heritage Celebration, 2009, Lancaster, PA
- Images 2008, Robeson Gallery, Pennsylvania State University, Viewer's Choice Award
- The Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival, 2008, Hampton, VA
- Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, 2007, Harrisburg PA special exhibit, River Visions