I grow this variety of hibiscus that sports cutleaf foliage and enormous bright red flowers.
Cyanotypes on cotton and silk, heliographic prints on silk, digital prints on cotton and silk, artist-painted and commercial fabrics, hand embroidery, extensive machine stitching.
Size: 50"h x 76"w
For Sale: $7,900
Exhibit History
- Flora, Fauna and Flow, solo show of 30 art quilts, October - December 2017, Olewine Gallery, Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art, Millersburg, PA.
- PA Artisan Trail billboard image, 2011, Rt. 30, Gettysburg, PA,
- More Than Fiber, Cohen Gallery, GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 2010, Reading, PA
- Fantastic Foliage, solo show, Jonal Gallery, 2010, Columbia, PA.
- 1000 Artisan Textiles, 2010, page 276.
- Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, 2009, Oaks, PA, Judge's Choice Award.
- PA Arts Experience Members Exhibit, 2009, Wolf Gallery, York College, York, PA
In 2011, Fireball was used on a billboard in Gettysburg, PA, to promote the PA Artisan Trail.